Our Team

  • Belinda Storey


    Belinda Storey is Climate Sigma’s Managing Director. Belinda is also on the board of AsureQuality. Belinda held the position of Managing Director for the Whakahura Programme, a 5-year $10M climate research programme funded by MBIE. She has contributed her expertise to the Ministry for Environment’s Managed Retreat Expert Working Group and to the External Reporting Board (XRB)’s External Advisory Panel on Climate Related Disclosures. Belinda has a MBA in Finance from Columbia University of New York and a Masters in Disaster Risk from the University of Canterbury. She is to be granted her PhD in Economics in 2025.

  • Nienke Kloppenburg


    Nienke is the Project Manager for Climate Sigma. She was the Project Manager for the Extreme Weather Research Platform and Whakahura: Extreme Events and the Emergence of Climate Change, a 10 million five-year MBIE-funded research programme. Nienke has extensive project management experience in large complex research programmes involving different universities, organisations and stakeholders. She is an experienced and forward-thinking sustainability professional interested in developing innovative solutions to corporate social responsibility and sustainable business models. In a past role at the business school of Erasmus University Rotterdam, she helped organisations integrate sustainability into the core of their business strategy and translating scientific knowledge into practical business tools. Nienke has a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Arts, both in Cultural Anthropology.

  • Libby Bentley


    Libby is the Technical Assistant for Climate Sigma. She is also a third-year Law and English Literature student at Victoria University of Wellington.